Thursday, April 14, 2011

anti drug campaigns

This anit meth print ad is one which very many people can relate to.  A lot of people expect to see the cracked out extreme cases, but some cases arent as extreme as others.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


This slogan is catchy. People remember it when they go to the store.  The slogans not put in place for people to belive that mentos makes your breath fresh because people just remember slogans not the meaning of them.  They buy things on impulse so the meaning of the slogan is irrelevant. 

Sticky campaigns

these are some campaigns that are sticky because they have the pricipals to a sticky campaign. its credible because susan komen knows about cancer because of her sister. its unexpected because the color is pink, it grabs the eyes attention.  People understand what the campaing is for so its concrete.  Many people know others whove died or suffer from cancer so its emotional.  People are able to act on it so a story can be told.   They have many followers because of the promotional efforts and the message thats delivered along with it (ie, race for the cure)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Consistency theory

This ad shows inconsistency in ones mind.  The picture creates inconsistency because when you think of pouring pop, you expect to see that going into the glass. This makes you want to create consistency by not looking at the ad or reading more into the text at the bottom. 

Emotional Appeals

This add uses the emotional appeal in order to raise awarness about aids.  The ad does not have any information on it, but one may ask questions about it and with a little further research, they find that this picture was taken hours before this young man died of aids.  This picture is another way to raise awerness about aids without even using words.  Peoples emotions will be evoked by looking at this picture. 

Cognitive theory

This is an example of an ad which uses cognition.  The peripheral route is used here.  The message source credibility is high here because is shows an actual victim of drunk driving.  This image would stay in someones mind when it comes to making a decision about drinking and driving. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bright lights and flashy cars

The elabortation likelihood model helps those trying to deliver a message figure out what delivery method would be the most beneficial and efficient when it comes to actual actions being done.
C.R. and forever 21 would use the peripheral route when conveying a message. Things like buying clothes is not viewed to customers as a very heavy topic.  In other words, its not something people analyze and really think about befor they actually buy something.
The peripheral route is used in low involvement situations.  Customers would most likely be attracted by the colors, models and pictures used to advertise.  The fabric material and content is less important when purchasing clothing.  Using things that will stick in someones mind like colors, slogans and jingles will keep C.R. and Forever 21 in the consumers minds. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

We're always the best choice!

This topic; disonance and consonance sounds like a difficult one but its pretty simple.  Basically, our brains want balance and symmetry between our own belifes and our surroundings. when the two dont match, there becomes an unbalance and you then look for ways to get back in balance. 
Forever 21 and C.R. can use this theory to its advantage! Its simple. So valentines day is tomorrow. Of course they are going to advertise valentines day themed clothing or gift ideas because that is the norm.  Things that are red, or pink are going to be pushed on us because of the holiday. Love is going to be found on many of the products and/ or words actually on the website. This is the norm though. If these sites were to display things that had to do with easter or fourth of july, many people would just leave the site because that creates an unbalance in their minds. Why are you advertising for something thats so many months away? thats wierd. this site is crazy. it could be a scam. im not going to order from here. ..... this may be the thought process of someone who visted the sites like this.
The sites keep up with the social norms and environmental norms in hopes of keeping consonance in the customers head!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Different Strokes for Different Folks

Audience segmentation is defined as a systematic approach of dividing people into more similar subgroups based upon defined criterion such as product usage, demographics, psychographics, communication behaviors and media use.

Forever 21 and C.R. must use this tactic in their campaigns in order to get the correct message to the correct customer or future customer.  Because the products that they sell are purchased by a wide range of people in age, sex, style, etc, they must segment their audiences. 

Some styles created at C.R. are intended to be worn by the younger, flirtier woman as some pieces they make are more conservative or simple.  So in order to convey the message to the correct personality type, C.R. must know what kind of person they are talking to. 

Why should I believe you?

Credibility is defined as the type of feedback a source receives, positive and negative. It is also determined by attitudinal and behavioral responses.

Forever 21 and C.R. use different techniques in order to deliver a message to its publics.  Although there are various variables which source credibility relies on, these two companies put more emphasize on some then others. 

Forever 21and C.R. rely heavily on the source, channel and receiver variables.  They must make sure that the source (themselves) remain in good standing with the public as far as their reputation.  Stories such as sweatshop workers, illegal labor and cheap quality materials are all damaging to a company's reputation such as forever 21.  They rely on the channel variable because they must use the channel which will get them the most viewers, and the best reactions.  The receiver variable is important because they want to make sure the right public is receiving the message. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


My two companies, charolette russe and forever 21 are two companies who are similar.  They are both clothing stores, targeting similar audiences.  forever 21 audiences are young, between the ages of 16-26. Those who are supporters of Forever 21 are those who dress in a fashion forward manner.  These people are looking for clothing that mimics the up scale fashion trends, but are kept at lower affordable prices. 

The charolett russe audience is similar in age range. These supporters wear similar clothes. Charolette russe focus on shoes a lot more then forever 21 does so these supporters are a lot more into shoes not just clothes. 

Forever 21 uses twitter and facebook in order to reach its customers.  Charolette russe does also, but is doing a better job of reaching out through twitter to its customers. Once i started following C.R., they sent me a direct message about redeeming a free coupon. They also tweet a lot more about deals. 
Forever 21 tweeted more about different looks and trends that they think is relevant and gave you the link to the website. 

Sunday, January 16, 2011


My name is Destiny Loyd and im originally from Indianapolis Indiana.  I am a senior Marketing major Public relations minor at Indiana State university.  This blog will be used for communications campaigns purposes only.  I do have two other blogs though. check them out! and 

The two companys that I will be comparing are forever21 and charloette russe.  These two companies are retailers who specialize in young adult clothing, shoes and accessories.